Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Scheduled Course Aeration Begins | Willans Assumes Head Gardener Position

Aeration to tees, approaches, collars and greens cleanups this week

With Labour Day and the Men's Invitational behind us, it's time to start some aeration procedures to encourage and maintain healthy turf leading into the fall/winter period, and ultimately help guarantee good turf for next season.

The front 9 will close today for aeration on the front 9 and then the back 9 will close tomorrow as the front 9 reopens.  The aeration will focus this week on tees, and greens approaches, greens collars and greens cleanup pass areas (two passes around outside of each green).  The green surfaces have relatively low thatch levels and will be left for the time being to not disrupt playability through this prime fall golfing period.  (No aeration holes to play over during this Friday's Director's Day!)

However, we are still playing a little catch up with the thatch removal on tees.  The tees don't receive aeration, verticutting and topdressing as frequently as the greens, so they are showing the signs of thatch accumulation as seen during the latter part of the season here at the Club.  Localized dry spots have arisen due to the fact water can't penetrate through the thicker thatch layer that's present.

Thanks for your understanding and patience while this important process is carried out.

We are pleased to announce that Kevin Willans has assumed the Head Landscape Horticulturalist position at Muskoka Lakes starting this week.  We welcome Kevin's knowledge and experience as he returns to the Club after a 22 year departure where he left to persue the opportunities to develop the landscapes at Lake Joseph Club, Rocky Crest, Grandview, and Muskoka Bay during their development period.

Kevin says, "It's good to come full circle back to Muskoka Lakes and take on the challenge of maintaining the reputable gardens here at the Club."

Gardens out front of Lake Joe Clubhouse
Kevin also has a forestry/urban tree diploma from Sir Sandford Fleming and greenhouse management experience from Smith Country Gardens to round out his credentials.  We look forward to having Kevin join our team here in the Golf Course Management Department.

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